Well this week we found
out about transfers. I was 99% sure I was getting transferred but looks like
President changed his mind! I am staying in Jogja and Sister Believe is going
to be my companion. Sis Baantjer and Sis Malau are going to Jakarta together as
the new Sister Training Leaders and sis Allred is going to come here as Sis
Manullang's comp. Pray for me ya?
I am so glad to stay with
all my investigators but I was so sure I was leaving that I cooked up all my
food this week. Haha but at least I have a lot of crepes and boiled potatoes in
the fridge now :)This also is my last week of training!
We went to Klaten this
week and after teaching the Winoto's grandpa (who is getting baptized hopefully
in two weeks) we were putting on our shoes to leave but their friend showed up
and we taught her about the Book of Mormon and a little about the Restoration.
She was really receptive and it was such this fun experience. We got way lost
on our bus ride home but everything happens for a reason so hopefully we
contacted someone that needed it!
Wednesday was interesting.
We taught an inactive lady and she started to cry because she hadn't felt the
spirit in so long. Well, later that day we were teaching the lady that we had
taught once before and thought, hmmm why not. Well her husband came out and started
berading us. He was so mad and yelling at us and at his wife and saying such
rude things about her and about us and about Sis Manalu. Sis Manalu is so
awesome. With tears in her eyes, she said "saya
bersaksi ini benar. Saya bersaksi Kitab Mormon benar dan saya mengucapkan semua
ini dalam nama Yesus Kristus Amin"
talk about chills! But he was way upset that we had been there once before and
came back without his permission. (we've never met before) But he also was
yelling at us because he said we are liars, we preach peace but ever since we
gave his wife a Book of Mormon (which she has almost finished reading by the
way) she won't stop talking about it and it makes them fight. That is the power
of the Book of Mormon. But it am sure he burned the Kitab Mormon after we left
and I wouldn't be surprised if his wife gets in trouble for all this. PS We are
never allowed to see them or go to his house again (ha surprising right?) We
left that house very shaken and we were both crying but one day he is going to
realize what a mistake it was to hold his wife back from the truth. It was a
spiritually draining day but ice cream always helps. :)
Thursday we had a normal
day, taught Pak, Ibu and Alexcia. It was really sad though. Sis Manalu and I
both had this prompting to change our lesson plan and teach Kak about the plan
of salvation but neither of us brought the pamphlets. I resolved to always be
prepared so that I won't miss the chance to follow the spirit.
Friday was ZTM!!!! We had
a lot of fun and it was in Jogja this time. Sis Jibson is still in my zone and
it was fun to be together and with all the new people, since transfers. They
announced that the Sister Trainers are going to start testing out the whole
facebook/ipad missionaries’ thing that the church is pushing.
Saturday: I perfected my
crepes that morning, hooray! We had the busiest schedule ever starting with the
call from president about transfers (then we all cried). Then we sanded/painted
tables at Sis Peni's school and shared a lesson. I got paint ALL over my hands
and used almost all the paint thinner just to try to get it off!
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Painting tables at an inactive members school. Who doesn't love painting? |
Then we taught
2 lessons with fellowshippers then we played futsol with the YM but our
investigator didn't come to that. Then we had 2 more appointments that Alexcia
wanted to fellowship for. Sadly they both cancelled but we just helped Alexcia
and shared a message with her. Funny highlights of that day: in Indonesia if
there is a homeless man outside your house it is really rude to tell them to go
away or anything so we were teaching someone and this homeless man slowly
starts making his way to the door... then comes in... then sits down and
listens. Apa the heck?! Haha he was really awkward but we still had a great
lesson about the Holy Ghost. Second story. After futsol we wanted to walk back
to the church but the elders brought their bikes so we took one and they took
the other and had to double up haha. Sis Manalu sat on the bar in front of the
seat and I pedaled with this like spread leg/tiptoe/awkward angle technique.
Elders too. I bet that made everyone's day.
Yesterday we had a day
full of goodbyes and farewell testimonies from Sis Manalu and Sis Baantjer. We
delivered the sacrament to a couple of families, which I always LOVE. And then
we wrote in each others' BR's (book of remembrance) and chatted until late. Today
we are going to Malioboro to buy souvenirs and going to that delllllicious
Italian Place.
This week we have taught
more lessons than ever before and I am just so impressed with how easy it has
been to do missionary work with Sis Manalu. Like I always say... with her, the
work just happens! I'm going to miss her so much. She has really been alone in
her conversion but she is already blessing so many lives (did I ever mention
this is only her second year as a member?) I also have had this change of
perspective this week: am I drawing people towards baptism or dragging them?
The Book of Mormon? church? After I explain it, they should be asking me how
they can be baptized or get a copy of the Book of Mormon or get to church.
I also read the best talk
from this month's Liahona by Brad Wilcox "His Grace is Sufficient".
He explained the analogy of piano lessons. A mom desires her child to grow and
learn so she pays a piano teacher and the child begins lessons. Because the mom
paid, she is able to ask of her child that they practice. Practicing is not to
pay to mom or the teacher but practicing shows appreciation for the gift and
willingness to become what the mom desires. When the child hits a wrong note,
he doesn't give up and think well Carnagie or nothing. No, he tries again.
Practice is how he changes. We are the child. Christ has already paid the price
for us. We are not trying to make up for our debt. That is impossible.
"What is left to be determined by our obedience is how comfortable we plan
to be in God's presence and what degree of glory we plan on recieving... The
miracle of the Atonement is not just that we can go home, but that --
miraculously-- we can feel at home there." When we make mistakes it is not
the end. We are still learning and changing all the time. "Grace is not a
booster engine that kicks in once our fuel supply is exhausted. Rather, it is
our constant energy source."
One more thought! Matt
9:37-38 talks about the harvest being plenteous but the laborers being few.
That is the Indonesia Mission. We should work our tails off here to make up for
the lack of missionaries because every person deserves and needs this gospel.
That’s the rescuing thing again ya?
I love you all soooooo
much! It is such a blessing to be in your family and I can't wait to sit down
one day all swapping mission stories. :) (mom and dad too!) Keep up the love
and patience but most importantly the laughter. Sounds like a funny week with
all the injuries and the dance! Dayton is going love his mission and is going
to do so much good. I'll send a letter soon. Give everyone my love and a sloppy
jaloppy kiss for me!
CTR! Take luck!
~Sis Sheff
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